
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just a quote :)

I stumbled (pun not intended) across this quote as I was surfing random websites one day, and I felt that it encapsulated the spirit one has to bring into the kitchen. Many a time, it is a fear - fear of failed and horrible tasting cookies and pastries, of wasting ingredients and time and fear of difficult recipes. Just a while ago, I failed in my first macaron attempt and was rather put off by them for a long time (okay, just 2 weeks or so, but this is because I'm stubborn and I've a never say die attitude), until I made them again - and when little feet appeared on the shells of my macaron (after squatting down by the oven to observe them for 5 minutes), I whooped up in joy. The whole day went better after that :)

So, for all aspiring bakers and cooks out there, here's some Julia Child for you:

"The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a 'What the hell?' attitude."


  1. Lovely words to live by!~ I need to implement them in my life lol. I really like your blog btw, it really reminds me of what I want to do with my new blog. :) I'm not much of a cook so right now I'm experimenting with recipes that look good to me :) I like the topics that you talk about! Thumbs up awesome~!! :D

  2. oh btw, it seems you don't have a "follow" button. I'd like to follow your blog hehe

  3. Hi Jen, thanks for the lovely comments :) I'm also new to this cooking thing, but I'm finding it great to learn from fellow bloggers :)

    Will do something about the "follow" button as soon as I can! Thanks!

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